Food for Healthy Skin That Glows

| WRITTEN BY: Patricia Bannan, MS, RDN
patricia bannan with glowing healthy skin on the beach

Adjusting your diet to include food for healthy skin can help you achieve that desirable glow while supporting your body and health in the process.

When it comes to glowing skin, slathering on expensive creams and lotions isn’t your only option. Here are my top 5 food picks for healthy skin with insights into their benefits and tasty ways to eat them. 

Why you should include food for glowing skin in your diet

If you are looking for a more natural way of achieving a healthy glow, adjusting your diet should be one of the first places you start. What you eat can affect the way your skin looks a lot more than you think. Diet can play a role in a number of skin issues, such as:

  • Acne
  • Dryness
  • Elasticity 
  • Blemishes

While diet alone can’t explain or resolve skin issues, it does play a part in how our skin looks and feels overall. Including more foods that support healthy skin can help you jumpstart your journey to achieving that glow.

5 Foods for Healthy Skin

  • Fatty fish
  • Avocado
  • Broccoli
  • Bell peppers
  • Sunflower seeds

Fatty Fish Benefits

Including more fatty fish in your diet is beneficial for a number of reasons – glowing skin included. Fatty fish contains both omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, which are nutrients important for eye health, heart health, and maintaining healthy skin. Some examples of fatty fish include:

  • Salmon
  • Herring
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies

Ways to add more fatty fish to your meals

Unsure of what to do with salmon or mackerel? Here are some quick & easy ways to add them in:

  • Swap out your usual tuna salad for salmon or mackerel.
  • Use anchovies in a homemade Caesar dressing.
  • Smash sardines over avocado toast with a drizzle of hot sauce.

This Grape & Salmon Power Bowl Salad is full of foods for glowing skin!

Avocado Benefits for Skin

This green-hued fruit is full of healthy fats, which help to support skin health, as well as heart and brain health. Research has shown that including the types of fats found in avocados is associated with more supple and springy skin. Avocados are also a source of vitamins E and C, which help to support collagen production, and fight against oxidative damage.

Ways to add more avocado to your meals

Avocados can be enjoyed in a number of ways. Some include:

  • Using in place of mayonnaise on sandwiches or in salads.
  • Smash onto toast for a quick breakfast.
  • Use in place of butter in baked goods.
  • Mash with fresh cilantro and lime juice for a veggie dip.

Try this refreshing and nutrient-packed Avocado and Pineapple Green Smoothie.

Broccoli Benefits for Skin

This cruciferous veggie is full of health and skin-boosting nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin A. In addition, broccoli florets also contain a unique compound called sulforaphane. Research has shown some potential benefits to this compound, which includes preventing skin cancer, protecting against UV ray skin damage, and possibly helping to maintain collagen levels in the skin. 

Ways to add broccoli to your meals

If you are looking for new ways to enjoy broccoli, try:

  • Roast it in the oven with olive oil and garlic.
  • Lightly steam, and toss with fresh lemon juice and parsley.
  • Sprinkle with freshly grated parmesan cheese and cracked pepper.
  • Puree into a creamy soup.

Find out what other 5 foods are hidden sources of vitamin C.

Bell Peppers for Glowing Skin

These crunchy vegetables are rich in both vitamins A and C, and just a one cup serving has well over 100% of your daily dose of both of these vitamins. Both of these nutrients are antioxidants, which support healthy, glowing skin, as well as help to protect against certain types of cancers and chronic diseases. 

Research has linked eating plenty of vitamin C with a reduced risk of developing wrinkles and dry skin as we get older.

Ways to add more bell peppers to your meals

You can enjoy any color pepper you like in different ways, such as:

  • Dipping raw strips into hummus or guacamole for a healthy snack.
  • Sauteed with onions for a colorful side dish.
  • Filling with quinoa, beans, and feta cheese for a filling main dish.

Add bell peppers to your grill with these Honey Lime Grilled Chicken and Vegetable Kebabs.

Sunflower Seeds for Healthy Skin

In general, seeds are an excellent food for healthy skin, but sunflower seeds are one of the best. A one-ounce serving of sunflower seeds provides nearly half your daily vitamin E needs, and also contains selenium and zinc. All of these nutrients are beneficial for the skin, which can help support the production of new skin cells, fight off oxidative damage, and reduce inflammation.

Ways to add sunflower seeds to your meals

You can use sunflower seeds in various ways and dishes like:

  • Adding crunch to a green salad.
  • A topping for yogurt or oatmeal.
  • Mixed with dried fruits and nuts for a convenient trail mix.
  • Blending into a smooth and creamy sunflower seed butter.

Use sunflower seeds to make this Seedy Low Carb Bread!

Which food for healthy skin that glows is your favorite?

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